Us History Eoc Review Civil War and Reconstruction Answer Key

  • Y'all will demand to know the causes and consequences of the Ceremonious State of war.
  • Y'all volition need to know the economic, political, and social causes of the Ceremonious State of war.
  • You will need to know the varying points of view regarding the main causes of the Civil War.
  • You will need to know the constitutional problems relevant to the Civil War and Reconstruction.
  • Y'all volition need to know the economic, political, and social consequences of Reconstruction.
  • Y'all will demand to know the influence of significant people or groups on Reconstruction.
  • You will demand to know the bug that divided Republicans during the early Reconstruction era.

Terms to know include, simply are not limited to: African-American migration, Anaconda Plan, Black Codes, carpetbaggers, Compromise of 1850, Dawes Human action, debt peonage, Dred Scott decision, Emancipation Announcement, 15th Amendment, 14th Amendment, Freeport Doctrine, Gettysburg, Gettysburg Address, Abraham Lincoln, Jim Crow Laws, Kansas-Nebraska Act, Ku Klux Klan, Ostend Manifesto, Radical Republicans, reservation system, sharecropping, states' rights, 13th Amendment, Vicksburg, westward expansion.

Use the following quote and your knowledge of US History to answer the following question.

"This state will be drenched in blood. The people of the N are non going to allow the country be destroyed without a mighty try to save it. Also, where are your men and appliances of war to argue confronting them? You are rushing into state of war with one of the most powerful, ingeniously mechanical and determined people on earth - right at your doors. Only in spirit and conclusion are yous prepared for war. In all else you are totally unprepared."

The quote above was spoken past William T. Sherman upon hearing the news that the southern states had begun to secede. Which of the following is Sherman's projection as the outcome and/or consequence of southern secession?

A. There volition be a war in which the South will win due to their militaristic nature and abundance of weapons.

B. There will exist a war in which the Southward will win due to their governmental authorization and obvious decision.

C. There will be a war in which the North volition win due to their technological advancements and lack of southern military.

D. At that place will exist a war in which the N will win due to their stability though political, social, and economic conditions.

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Which of the following correctly describes the political drawing below?


A. Charles Schurz, who was a Northern Republican, is shown in a positive lite as he heads to the South in enact Reconstruction policies.

B. The southern citizens in the groundwork are cheering his arrival due to the cooperation taking place between northern and southern politicians.

C. The southern citizens in the background are actively attempting to foreclose the inflow of the carpetbaggers they feared and hated with a passion.

D. Charles Schurz is shown in a negative light since he is depicted as a grim and intense intruder with clenched fists.

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"We have been taught to hunt and live on the game. You tell us that nosotros must learn to farm, live in i house, and take on your ways. Suppose the people living beyond the slap-up sea should come up and tell you that yous must terminate farming, and impale your cattle and accept your houses and lands, what would you do? Would you not fight them?"

--Gall, a Hunkpapa Sioux Indian, quoted in Bury My Heart at Wounded Knee

What was Gall's view of future relations between the Plains Indians and the settlers?

A.            Peaceful coexistence

B.            Further conflict

C.            Mutual respect

D.            Equality

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The tabular array beneath provides data most the African-American population in several cities afterwards the Civil State of war.


Which condition in society was primarily responsible for the change in urban population?
A. absenteeism of agricultural employment in Southern communities
B. lack of political representation in Southern communities
C. availability of job opportunities in Northern cities
D. prevalence of racial equality in Northern cities

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The near straight effect of poll taxes and literacy tests on African Americans was to:
a.  preclude them from voting
b.  limit their access to public facilities
c.  block their educational opportunities
d.  deny them economic advancements

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In the 1850s, the phrase "Bleeding Kansas" was used to describe clashes betwixt
a. proslavery and antislavery groups
b. Castilian landowners and new American settler
c. Chinese and Irish railroad workers
d. Native American Indians and white settlers

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The Homestead Human activity, the mass killing of buffalo, and the completion of the transcontinental railroad are well-nigh closely associated with the
a. rise of organized labor
b. building of the Erie Canal
c. northern migration of African Americans
d. decline of the Plains Indians

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Many Southern States tried to limit the furnishings of Radical Reconstruction past
a. adopting federal laws mandating segregation
b. enacting Jim Crow laws
c. abolishing the Southern sharecropping system
d. securing passage of new amendments to the United States Constitution

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On March iii, 1845, Florida joined the Union as a slave state, while Iowa became a free state. This entrance into the Wedlock every bit a pair was required under what document?

A. Missouri Compromise

            B. Compromise of 1850

            C. Adams-Onis Treaty

            D. Fillmore Understanding

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The post-obit excerpt is from the Thirteenth Subpoena which was passed by the U.South. Congress on Dec 6, 1865. After reading information technology, chose which statement best summarizes the Amendment.

"Neither slavery nor involuntary servitude, except as a punishment for offense whereof the party shall accept been duly convicted, shall exist inside the United States, or any place discipline to their jurisdiction."

A. The Thirteenth Amendment freed all slaves and therefore allowed them the same rights as all other citizens of the The states.

B. The Thirteenth Amendment freed all slaves which now allowed therefore allowed whatsoever blazon of discrimination.

C. The Thirteenth Amendment outlawed slavery but did not specify an African-American'south political rights.

D. The Thirteenth Amendment brought about an end to the Civil War since it outlawed slavery.

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Which of the following statements is true concerning the map pictured beneath?


A. The Union thought that by blockading the southern ports they could easily win the war.

B. The Matrimony wanted to shut the due south off from all possible help in an try to squeeze the Confederacy into submission.

C. The snake's head begins in the Spousal relationship's upper-case letter and tail ends in the Amalgamated capital letter to mark the journey the soldiers would confront during the war.

D. The Union knew that the Confederacy had the industrial reward then they were attempting to cut off any exportation of goods.

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